The Importance of Developing Regular Referrals for your Therapy Practice
Referrals for Your Mental Health Practice
Regular referrals are the key to the long term success of your business. They reflect client’s good opinion of you as a person, and the great work your practice does. If clients are satisfied enough to tell their friends and families about you then you are doing something right.
When doing business with clients or other businesses, the number of good referrals you get will depend upon the relationship you have developed with each individual.
When someone likes you, as a person, and you have developed a good rapport with them, they will tell others about your practice. This happens regardless of how good you are at being a therapist.
Who can develop regular referrals for your practice?
All other people you deal with in respect to running your practice also have the power to generate referrals. Don’t underestimate anyone. Your office cleaner, the photocopier mechanic, through to your bank manager all have the power to refer business to you.
Ask for Mental Health Referrals
Create personal relationships
When marketing your practice keep in mind that every person you deal has the power of referral.
All they have to do is like you, and you have to like them.
Creating a relationship of respect and trust builds integrity.
You already understand that rapport is an important predictor of success in therapy. Apply that thought process to how rapport can be an important predictor of how well people in the community refer others to your practice.
More often than not you get what you ask for. The Good Book says, "You have not because you ask not."
Ask for referrals for your mental health practice. Let Therasoft help.